Tuesday, 13 November 2012


More steam locos ordered and inbound! Both examples I have personally scratch built already so out with the old and in with the new.. Now the chassis I have already is the microace 4-6-2 one, currently also looking at buying a minitrix one. Once the shell arrives I will put up pictures of it sitting on the chassis!

AB Class 
Should have a movable rear bogie right from the printer with any luck! Wont know until it arrives.

 WAB Class
The rear truck side frames are included, the idea being to simply stick the side frames to the existing chassis rear truck.

DSC Class
While no substantial progress has been made, the weekend earlier while sitting down showed some progress with correct bogie spacing in terms of chassis's. No stock standard chassis has been chosen to work, although no one said kit bashing "wouldn't" work.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012


The Wb in Frosted Ultra Detail, I will be personally buying everything in FUD, with the exception of certain wagon types like the ZM where the cost is cheap enough and while still providing the "look".

The finished detail, whilst still in a relatively un-detailed form is quite amazing to say the least! My scratch built locomotives don't even come close to curves and perfect lines in all the required places. A scary after thought of designing a K/KA would certainly be the immediate devaluation of my scratch built K shell. But then modernization has had a history of doing just that.

A Wb locomotive, Photo's Sourced from http://www.rimutaka-incline-railway.org.nz, Check em out!

November 6th Update on Recent New Models

So recently I was asked by a chap in Germany to convert my DA into a G12

His message included the info on the loco

"A Bo'Bo'-EMD/GM G12 would be one of the models of choice. One purpose-built demonstrator went around Denmark, Sweden and Norway in the early Fifties, and was bought by the swedish SJ in 1956, numbered as T42 205, serving in northern Sweden. In the mid-1950s also the Sydvaranger iron ore mine railway in northernmost Norway introduced another two G12. The GM-demonstrator, later SJ T42, became the forefather of some very successful NoHAB designs as the GM-engined T43."
Availalbe here ;


Secondly we have the DA Class in its last phase 3 version.
Available & able to be purchased without any issues.

Thirdly, the AK & AKC Top shells are finalized & available, measurements correct & an personal order placed :P
The bottom chassis, bogies, and seat design is finished, just awaiting seat & table placement. A big thanks to all that have been emailing me photos of the internal carriages, this will end up a very detailed carriage inside and out!


Lastly, the JA is undergoing a detail overhaul

Saturday, 3 November 2012

NZ120 Locomotive fleet as of Nov 2012

A time for reflection! How does one come to the conclusion "Do I have enough locomotives yet?" The answer is relatively simple, when one has every class of locomotive in ones collection is it truly complete! And no i'm not crazy, my mother had me tested :P

I should also mention the very first locomotive I purchased was around April / May 2011, and it was the clockwork orange DX from Trackgangproducts Website!

I will look at this post far into the future and think to myself, how did I get by with such a modest collection back in the old days!

Admittedly the DG with the yellow stripe & the EO I did not personally build, but that's OK too. Also I should note the DFT & DXB is missing from the picture as they were towing the overlander around the layout.

Friday, 2 November 2012

Update on the DA, Its been striped, cleaned and ensured to be printable. With any luck shapeways will come online any day now!

Showing an awesome picture of old and new!

Artificial Grass

 This week I've been laying some artificial grass on the outdoor 1:24 gauge railway as an attempt to control the weeds and grass from ov...