Sunday, 23 June 2013

Kiwirail DL

The DL Class designed for both NZ120 & NZ64 has finally been finished! Many thanks to Kiwirail for the blueprints allowing for some accuracy.. A first NZ120 version has been ordered in FUD & already in the printer. It should prove quite adequate! 

 The AK carriage has now been painted black on the window trims, the windows will be cut to size & fitted in the slot. Now I need to find a way to print the end decals, the red/yellow/grey stripes... One step at a time!
Kiwirail DXR with AK Carriage.

Kiwirail DXR with AK Carriage

A great northern with incorrect wheel spacing to suit a K/Ka seemingly trying to "fit" in.


  1. For your decals :

  2. When do you think it will be available to buy?


Artificial Grass

 This week I've been laying some artificial grass on the outdoor 1:24 gauge railway as an attempt to control the weeds and grass from ov...