Sunday, 8 June 2014

Layout Update - June 2014 (Right Loop)

Today after my lovely partner organised big square poly foam blocks, from a kind man who works at the Whangarei Pak n Save. Since the building is undergoing a major renovation they have it in excess for a limited time!

Some pictures  of the resulting work.

A view from "under the shelf". Looking to where a cardboard cutout "mountain range" will be.

There will only be 1 line connecting to the lifting bridge, the other will wrap around the scenery at a slightly lower level & feed into the main yard from this end.

If you can imagine it, the new line will loop under & around the existing loop where the line would consist of cuttings & bridges (3d printed hopefully) and exit lower right of the screen and into the yard.

(The nitty gritty) Still alot more work coming, NZ120 DQ poses for a shot
 The right hand loop is now fully DCC, with the DQ above being fitted out this weekend with a generic diesel MRC 16 bit N scale chip. Handrails really need to be added!

A couple of movie clips of the DCC DQ class chugging around the new section.

And another First person movie, the low resolution doesn't help with the already insufficient lighting.

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