On Thursday plans for a balloon return loop is finalized once realized & at 8am work commenced, 1 more bridge & lots of clay to shift. Already the lower track section is raised another foot. Retaining walls for the track bed are needed & the cheaper the better.
The track is going to be lowered so its at least a foot below the G gauge.
On the top right sleepers are finally laid on the 15" gauge road bed, already I can see some right of way issues arising.
Earthworks mostly done for the top loop
Widening of cutting and laying mix of gravel / crushed clay.
Building up roadbed over the new bridge and down to meet the other track.
Looking down - Top Loop |
Looking up - Top Loop
Embankment now in place and more than a few barrow loads of clay building the roadbed up.
7 square meters of gap40 blue/brown for the roadbed, got a decent way around the layout before the rain got too much.
Spent the day connecting the track, spreading & compacting gravel.
Finished the top loop, all track connected, ballasted and levelled off. My wagon/tool bench runs derailment free and the roadbed is very firm. The turnout needed a tweek but otherwise worked out well.