Monday, 27 September 2021

Beginning the railway

 The long sought after dream of an actual outdoor layout comes to fruition finally. Starting things with a simple loop running around a water feature. The plan is to then create a line that connects the loop to the upcoming workshop. 

Looking up at the site, still largely trees.

Half a year later after clearing out trees and foliage 

2 months later and the G gauge loop is finished, the drive is in place, the 5 inch railway on the right has a 10 meter run and in the background the 15 inch railway has begun to be ballasted.

I setup a tent to house the battery and solar regulator and serve as storage for a couple of trains.

Ww makes a trial run hauling coal

Silver Fern

Things have been rather busy in the last month, I ended up getting my hands on a 7.25" gauge silver fern that appeared on trademe. The ...