Sunday, 19 June 2016

1:24 3D Printed GE U10b (NZR Dh class)

1:24 3D Printed GE U10b Dh class. Pre-shunters refuge and painted as she came out new. Unsure of her number yet, will have to find out which Dh resided in Whangarei in the 80/90's. For the chassis i'm using a 4 axle power truck, Aristocraft I think. 

Prototype - Photo by R.Bryant, Early 1996 Whangarei Loco - DH2816, DF6127 & 6058, DFT7158

Prototype - Photo by R.Bryant, 1997 Whangarei Yard, DH2816 Shunting.

1:24 3D Printed GE U10b Dh class

Printer - UP PLUS 2
Quality - Fast
Internal honeycomb structure - second smallest size

1 024.5g 01hr 31min Res0.2
2 123.4g 07hr 23min Res0.2
3 136.9g 08hr 06min Res0.2
4 170.5g 10hr 06min Res0.2
5 201.1g 11hr 35min Res0.2
6 024.6g 01hr 31min Res0.2
7 048.8g 02hr 52min Res0.2

Total Print Time 43hr 04min
Material Cost 729.8g (less bogies)

3d printed body glued together n painted in "Satin Granite"
3d printed body glued together n painted in "Satin Granite"

After a lick of red and yellow. I've been using cans purchased from Wynn Fraser paints (Don't tell em your painting trains at night time - really bad idea I found..). The brand is "RUST-OLEUM" paint & primer in one, worth $13 a can normally. For the NZR fruit salad scheme i'm using Satin Granite(grey), Gloss Apple Red & Gloss sun yellow.  For the modern Kiwirail colours i'm using Lemon Yellow, & Gloss Dark Grey. I still haven't found a match for Kiwirail red, which is quite orange in certain light.  
I'm quite keen to do a Da next, in the original scheme. Would look great on the head of a silverstar set!

Printing a Dh in 9mm (1:33.9 scale) for a customer (Centre image), after gluing sections, bogging, sanding & covering with Satin Granite primer/paint it came out quite well. Tempted to print it in 1:64 just to see how the detail might survive..
After adding trucks/bogies, one powered, one dummy.
A wee video of the 1:24 Dh test run, using a similar power block as the dsg, they make a good pair.

After adding decals, handrails, couplers & horn

After adding decals, handrails, couplers & horn


  1. Funnily enough, both the KR and TMS red are the same, and yes, they are far more orangey than red when fresh.

  2. Cheers Kiwibonds/db for the clarification :)

  3. What wheel diameter did the real thing use? Plans of little export GEs say from 34" to 40" wheels so it obviously varies.


Artificial Grass

 This week I've been laying some artificial grass on the outdoor 1:24 gauge railway as an attempt to control the weeds and grass from ov...