Monday, 23 April 2012

NZR K Photos

After going through some old photographs my gran-dad collected and took over the years here are a few of the good ones.

All of the mighty K Class

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Painting a NZR RM class (88 seater) - Blue Streak

In 1968, at the suggestion of Hamilton City Council, an 88-seater was refurbished for a new fast service between Hamilton and Auckland aimed at the businessman, and it started on Monday, 8 April 1968. It was fitted with carpet and reupholstered fabric-covered seats, and was painted in a new two-tone colour scheme that prompted the nickname 'Blue Streak'. The seating was reduced to 84 to accommodate a servery area from which light meals and assorted alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks could be purchased.

After a coat of White in a special painting booth made out of a large box

In the background you can see the mirror (Glass will also work) to which i apply the tape. Then using a razor blade and steel ruler cut the tape to the desired length/width (or any shape you wish) and simply peel the tape off the mirror using the razor blade to scrape it up carefully then reapply on model.
I typically goto the model shop and purchase a roll of 6mm masking tape.

When painting with spray paint, also use very thin coats every 15 minutes or so. You can expect to put on up to 10 coats. This prevents bleeding i.e thick bits of paint running under the tape.
Ensure spray can is at least a foot and a half away.

All coats finished and model running again!

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

New Zealand Government Railways Diesels I've Built from Kits and Scratch

NZR DX 5517 - Fruit Salad Livery

NZR DX - Clockwork Orange Livery

NZR DF 6087 - Fruit Salad Livery

NZR DFT 7159 - Kato Blue Livery

NZR DC 4496 - Fruit Salad Livery

NZR DA- Original Livery

NZR DJ - Unfinished

NZR DG - Original Livery - Unfinished

NZR DE - Original Livery

NZR DI 1820 - Original Livery

NZR DXB - 5206

Artificial Grass

 This week I've been laying some artificial grass on the outdoor 1:24 gauge railway as an attempt to control the weeds and grass from ov...