Tuesday, 17 February 2015

1:64 & 1:76 Scale DBR

On request for the 1:76 scale market modelling NZR a DBR Shell has been made available for 3D Printing via Shapeways in 2 materials Frosted Detail @ $137.00 and Frosted Ultra Detail @ $191.00
The Model can be found here 1:76 KIWIRAIL DBR

This model has no bogie sideframes or fuel tanks, using the chassis fuel tank & bogies instead. I personally have a Frateschi NZR Dc class which is going to loose its body for a DBR Shell & end up with a more "correct" nzr loco.

1:76 KIWIRAIL DBR Class No Sideframes Or Fuel Tank

Also added is the DBR in 1:64 scale, except with the Fuel tanks & Bogie sideframes.
Available for 3D Printing via Shapeways in 2 materials Frosted Detail @ $$243.00 and Frosted Ultra Detail @ $343.00
The Model can be found here 1:64 DBR Class
1:64 KIWIRAIL DBR Class With Sideframes & Fuel Tank

NZ120 Q Class arrives

The Q class arrives to much glee, another steamer for the fleet. Printed in Frosted Ultra Detail. The chassis is the same as the ab, a Microace 4-6-2. The rivets printed nicely, however on the tender sides lines can be seen below the rivets. 
Superdetailing to come!

The shell can now be purchased here NZ120 Q Class Shell

Saturday, 14 February 2015

New Design, NZ120 DBR Class

Today sees the completion of a new design, the KIWIRAIL/NZR DBR class for NZ120. 
After a test print works it will be made available here on Shapeways NZ120 DBR Class
Holes for the handrails are included to help placement, except for the top of the long hood.
Holes for coupler placement & airhoses are also included. Bracing on the inside will help prevent warping.

Shapeways Material Render (Frosted Ultra Detail)

DBR Prototype. Image sourced from http://nzrailwaysrollingstocklists.weebly.com/dbr---gm-g18ar-of-1981.html

Sunday, 8 February 2015

New Design, NZ120 VRA Refrigerated Wagon

Today sees a new design, the VRA Refrigerated Wagon. A swap body design mounted on a UK Wagon.
I'm going to use freight bogies & couplers from Trackgangproducts 

NZ120 VRA Refrigerated Wagon

NZ120 VRA Refrigerated Wagon

NZ120 VRA Refrigerated Wagon

Render from Shapeways, Printed upside down to ensure a straight print.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

New Design, NZ120 Q Class Shell

Today sees the completion of a Q class Shell for NZ120. It should fit a pacific type chassis similar to the ab in size. The handrails, piping, wheels are required to finish the model. There are rivets printed into the body, which hopefully wont ruin the print!

Link to shapeways NZ120 Q Class Shell (Can now be purchased)

Generated Image of the Q shell printed in Frosted Ultra Detail

NZ120 Q Class

NZ120 Q Class

Prototype (Sourced from Wiki)

NZR AB Class Locomotive Shell for HO 1:87

Continuing from a recent post about NZR Locomotive Shells for HO 1:87 I have upscaled the AB Class locomotive on request for a chap that wants to stick a OO pacific chassis under it. The loco is under the 1:87 section.The Ab Class is only available in the Detail Plastics & can be found here 1:87 Ab Class Body.

1:87 Scale AB Body

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

NZ120 Pneumatic Coaling Crane Kit

On request a NZ120 Pneumatic Coaling Crane  crane has evolved into reality for nz120, Designed as a kit.
It will require 2 wheels, some thread & wire.
I've included 2 buckets, that will need wire to complete. I suspect friction will be enough in nz120 to hold the bucket upright. The buckets are quite thick, and might need a drilling out to make thinner. To raise & lower the bucket, the piston needs a thicker bit of wire inserted, and connected to the first pulley, so prototypical raising of the bucket can occur.
Wire will also be used to connect the pulleys & enable free wheeling.

The crane can now be purchased! can be found here
Showing Parts (Right)
Showing Parts (Left)

Photo of assembled parts

Actual Prototype (Image sourced from www.nzrcranes.org)

Sunday, 1 February 2015

NZ120 UBS Wagon Arrives

Today sees the NZ120 Ubs project through to the end, decals applied & trackgangproducts brass etched handrails, bogies & couplers attached.
The decals were sealed with clear.

Link to Shapeways NZ120 UBS Wagon
Link to Trackgangproducts  for detail parts

Getting the right colour... after a few attempts the mix ratio of 10 parts orange to 1 part gin or red was used

The files used for the decals were drawn up by me & are made available for anyone to use.
(Ubs Decals) Designed for "Clear" Decal Paper

(Ubs Decals) Designed for "White" Decal Paper

The wrong shade of orange.. 
Showing the cylinder end removed.

And a wee video of it running around the layout

Artificial Grass

 This week I've been laying some artificial grass on the outdoor 1:24 gauge railway as an attempt to control the weeds and grass from ov...