On request for the 1:76 scale market modelling NZR a DBR Shell has been made available for 3D Printing via Shapeways in 2 materials Frosted Detail @ $137.00 and Frosted Ultra Detail @ $191.00
The Model can be found here 1:76 KIWIRAIL DBR
This model has no bogie sideframes or fuel tanks, using the chassis fuel tank & bogies instead. I personally have a Frateschi NZR Dc class which is going to loose its body for a DBR Shell & end up with a more "correct" nzr loco.
1:76 KIWIRAIL DBR Class No Sideframes Or Fuel Tank |
Also added is the DBR in 1:64 scale, except with the Fuel tanks & Bogie sideframes.
Available for 3D Printing via Shapeways in 2 materials Frosted Detail @ $$243.00 and Frosted Ultra Detail @ $343.00
The Model can be found here 1:64 DBR Class
1:64 KIWIRAIL DBR Class With Sideframes & Fuel Tank |