Sunday, 24 February 2019

1:76 Dc & 1:120 Dx Test prints

1:76 Dc & 1:120 Dx Test prints, pushing the capabilities of the printer somewhat, at least with 1:76 the detail can render properly. It still requires a bit of sanding but am so far happy with the result. The Dx while technically possible requires a few tweeks to the overall thickness, especially around the cab. I still think it can be done. Will offer up the 1:76 stuff to the trademe crowd

The chassis in the background was from a dcc dash 9, the body was removed in the hopes of converting it into a DL to offer up. will see if it will take a 1:76 shell without looking silly.

1:76 Dc in the early stages of a 1 day print, The intent first came to me at 5 in the morning and in the rush to find a design, scale it & remove unnecessary detail forgot that working cab doors should have at lest been attempted. 

1:24 NZR DX (General Electric U26C)
1:24 Ka class
1:120 KIWIRAIL DL Class

If your interested in something made available that i've already printed  let me know below


  1. It would be great if you did the DC and DX in S scale!

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  4. what softwear do you use to make the 3d print files


Artificial Grass

 This week I've been laying some artificial grass on the outdoor 1:24 gauge railway as an attempt to control the weeds and grass from ov...