Saturday, 11 June 2022

Garage Layout

Did some cleaning out of a recently vacated garage @ mums place now requisitioned for official railway stuff by order of management, now that the "temporary" 4 year old shelves have been re-setup Its time to consolidate the fleet from the stashes around the property, One stash being a very backbreakingly small tent in the bush next to the layout, the thrill, anxiety, dread and doubt wondering if a falling tree will crush my trains at any moment. Its a tad like lotto only you get to reassemble everything again. Luckily this did not happen. However being made of ABS and over engineered in terms of strength and thick overscale thick walls a train shell loaded with a heavy motor and batteries falling onto the concrete floor at most will scratch the paint & bend a handrail or two. 

As evident in the picture I had to double stack the trains behind each other, I've still a few locos around the country that I need to collect one day. I intend eventually to have the shelf run the length of the wall and at least a foot higher than present.

The eventual goal would be an inside loop of track running around the walls so to facilitate indoor running, with a few sidings to hold various rakes of wagons without constant uncoupling etc.

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