Tuesday, 26 March 2013

NZ120 Zh Wagon

Today we have a ZH, The center & end parts were sent to me by Mark Andrews, all i did was place it on the Zm chassis after some modifications. 

The idea is to print the sides onto paper using a printer. This way you can add grafiti & logos as desired.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Clear blue sky's

This cat, apparently cares not for clear blue sky's...

I personally quite agree with it! 

The cutting behind the twin bridges is now filled in with rock fill. Whilst my old man is travelling china by train for a month i've been attacking a mound of crushed & dry rough rock behind the shed. This afternoon will be my fourth trip to my personal "quarry" :P
 This section has been regraded & sitting firmly on a foam bed, perfectly leveled ready for ballasting.

A rare view showing the complete mid section square on.

Showing the Twin bridges end.

Showing the newly regraded mid left section. This end will feature the side of a hill, much like the other side. This road will be raised or perhaps removed.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Layout Update, A bridge over rocky ground...

More work on the shelf layout produced some promising results. The river bed bed is made from finely crushed brown rock, covering a layer of glue. The rocks will be built up in layers on the sides of the river. Once sealed & the riverbed painted, a clear resin will be poured on to make the water. You can't see it, but the first water has been poured on the waterfall (right side, forward of the bridge). Once finished if it works out well I will post pics.

The horse shoe bridge end finally has an initial coat of sky blue.

Once all coats of blue have been applied I intend on air brushing clouds & hills in the back ground once I finish watching tutorials on youtube!

The mountains do look good, however nothing quite beats the blue background if its done right. And the pictures are starting to fade quite badly to the point it looks more rude than anything else.

I purchased 2 N Scale Cast Tunnel Portals from the model shop at around $14 for 2. After a paint & weather they look & fit really well.

On a happier note, after having the BA get cancelled twice & the DXR get cancelled once already all the problems with the shell's have been corrected & new test version's ordered.

It doesn't matter how good at drawing one thinks they are, unexpected problems always crop up. Rather than rush ahead with multiple variations, it pays to make sure the initial design gets printed! Otherwise if you have 10 variations of one design that has a flaw, you will find yourself having to fix 10 separate variations....

Monday, 18 March 2013

Ferrymead Loco Pics

A recent research trip to Ferrymead Heritage Park in Christchurch this past weekend saw myself almost fill an entire memory card using my casio camera. There's something about actually seeing them with your own eyes to truly understand how everything fits.

I've uploaded locos from the diesel & steam shed. 

Artificial Grass

 This week I've been laying some artificial grass on the outdoor 1:24 gauge railway as an attempt to control the weeds and grass from ov...