Saturday, 21 December 2013

Portable Layout update, Coastal Scene & Ship

Showing the end module, as it receives an update, and a coastal freighter (Built by B. Galpin, Nov 2010).
With Xmas and with it the promise of at least a few days off regular business activity should allow for more designing with any luck.

The overall view. Still coastal rocks & wooden wharf to install (HDR)

The "water" is a bit of cut board, painted, and in the process of many layers of varnish (HDR)
View from land (HDR)

The section before the changes...
As you can see, alot has happened since the layouts first conception, and a path for a future track is cut into the layout for a possible wharf run. (HDR)

Future path for wharf siding, Currently the tide is out :P (HDR)
After some more work, a small wharf is built using strip wood, tinted with weathering and varnish it starts to take shape. 

Top View to give an idea of size

After further work, the end capping can finally happen!
Still to find my tub of flexi paste..
Proposed wharf line in place
First work train, NZ120 F & Yc 

A small wharf crane is required I think
Wab & 56'er
Wharf branch-line after ballasting
Yet another view, Wb in the distance

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